
Yoga with Rachel

​Hey there! I'm Rachel - a certified yoga instructor, fascial fitness trainer and wellness enthusiast. I share my love of movement and wellness through my growing YouTube channel, Yoga with Rachel.

A beach with water flowing up onto the shoreline
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The Dance of Expansion & Contraction

The Dance of Expansion & Contraction Hello friends! I hope that this letter finds you well! 🙂 If you’re feeling up for it, I have a short somatic practice for you. You can explore this practice seated or standing–whatever feels most comfortable. Before beginning, please take a moment to read over the instructions. Somatic Practice: An invitation to breathe in through your nose, and then softly release your breath through your nose or mouth. On your next breath in, open your arms wide, lifting...

Stones balancing on top of one another on a beach

Balance Boost Happy September! Wait a minute…September…how did that even happen?! Does the summer season fly by for you as well? I find that September usually brings a whirlwind of activity as we transition back to school, work, and our regular routines. Going from a slower pace to feeling like you’re running a marathon can feel like a shock to the nervous system. With increased internal and external pressures during this time of year, it’s common to feel a bit off balance and disoriented. To...

Leaves forming a heart in water

Guided by Love Happy Monday! I hope that this letter finds you well. I like to start my days with a morning walk, and this week, I noticed the leaves beginning to change color. The cool, crisp morning air felt incredibly refreshing–a welcome reminder that Fall is just around the corner! Autumn is my favorite season. It feels like a warm, soothing hug that wraps around me. During this time of year, I find myself more playful and eager to explore Halloween-themed activities in and around my...

Tomatoes growing on a vine with the sun in the background

What would you like to cultivate? Hey there! How are you doing today? If it feels good, I invite you to check in with yourself. It may be helpful to read over the Body Scan instructions before giving it a go. 🙂 Body Scan: Grounding Exercise Find a comfortable seat of your choosing, sitting on a chair, on a couch, or on the ground. When you feel ready, take 3 slow cycles of breath; breathing in through your nose and out through your nose or mouth. An invitation to soften your focus or close...

Awaken, Ignite & Feel Your Power Hello! I hope that your Monday is off to a fantastic start and that you had a wonderful weekend! Okay, before I go any further, I would like to celebrate that we are a community of over 10,000 incredible souls! WOW!!! I had a dance party to celebrate reaching this milestone. Getting visibility on YouTube is incredibly challenging, with over 2,500 new videos being uploaded to YouTube every minute. That’s a lot of content! I also find myself in an industry that...

When things don’t go as planned… Happy Monday! I hope that you’re staying well! I’m back from vacation! I took about eight days off and made a conscious effort to disconnect from technology. Though I did spend a couple of hours checking in on the channel and updating my website, it felt wonderful to step away from tech and social media. Slowing down, embracing silence, and reconnecting with myself was so nourishing. Sean (my husband) and I planned a beach day during our break. The night...

Flowing with Life’s Rhythms Hi there! I hope that you had an amazing weekend, and I hope that your Monday is off to a great start! Before diving into today’s topic, I would like to share a few updates. Firstly, I released a Somatic Yoga for Emotional Release practice last Monday. You can join me on the mat using this link: Feelings are like ocean waves, constantly rising, cresting, and receding throughout the day. It's said that emotions typically take about 90...

The Giver’s Glow Hello! I hope that this letter finds you well! 🙂 I feel as if so much has happened since my last letter to you. It’s been an amazing couple of weeks, full of joy and laughter. I’ll start with our garden. If you’re new to this letter, my husband and I joined a community garden not too long ago (I have attached a couple of pictures of our garden at the end of this letter). We’ve planted chives, parsley, thyme, dill, two types of basil, cilantro, arugula, and spinach. Over the...

It’s a Celebration! Happy Monday! How are you doing today? Maybe you take a moment or two to check-in with how you're feeling. Perhaps you observe your thoughts. Maybe you observe if there’s a sensation that’s calling your attention. What happens if you intentionally send your breath towards or to the sensation? Or maybe you decide to engage your senses, taking in sights, listening to the sounds in your space, observing your connection to the surface beneath you, and so on. Allow curiosity to...

The Body Speaks in Metaphors Hello dear friend 🙂 I hope that you’re doing well! A week ago, my husband (Sean) and I saw a play in Stratford. There’s something truly magical and captivating with live performances! Watching those actors bring their characters to life with their voices and body language, it’s just incredible. And how they manage to memorize all those lines is beyond me! It was an entertaining show that tested my ability to decipher Shakespearean English. Needless to say, I’m a...