When things don’t go as planned…

When things don’t go as planned…

Happy Monday!

I hope that you’re staying well!

I’m back from vacation! I took about eight days off and made a conscious effort to disconnect from technology. Though I did spend a couple of hours checking in on the channel and updating my website, it felt wonderful to step away from tech and social media. Slowing down, embracing silence, and reconnecting with myself was so nourishing.

Sean (my husband) and I planned a beach day during our break.

The night before, the weather forecast promised sunny skies and warm temperatures, so we thought it would be a great beach day.

But in the morning, I looked outside to see dark, gray, ominous clouds. I stepped outside in my shorts, t-shirt, sun hat, and sunglasses, only to run back inside for pants and a sweater–it was freezing cold!

Despite the chilly air, wind, and dark cloudy skies, we remained optimistic and headed to the beach, hoping the weather would improve.

We chose Goderich, about an hour and a half away from where we live, known for its beautiful beach and as the “prettiest town in Canada.”

As we drove, listening to upbeat tunes, it started to rain.

Uh oh!

Still, I remained hopeful that the rain would stop and the sun would appear.

When we arrived in Goderich, the rain had stopped–a positive sign!

But as soon as I stepped out of the car, my sun hat was swept off my head by the wind. It was much chillier and windier than it had been at home. We didn't consider how the lake effect would impact the temperature.

Determined to have an enjoyable day at the beach, we set up our chairs in the soft sand and pulled out our books.

Looking over at Sean, I saw him shivering, his teeth chattering, and he was looking quite uncomfortable.

The lake and sky had an eerie, almost creepy feel, like something out of a horror movie, with the turbulent waves crashing up upon the shore.

After about 15 minutes, I turned to Sean and said, “Maybe we should head into town to buy a sweater or something.” I hoped that adding some layers would make our beach day more enjoyable. So, we packed up and practically ran into town.

We found a cozy cafe and decided that a hot beverage might help. I was pleasantly surprised to see they offered matcha. I ordered a hot tea, and Sean got a coffee. We sat down, looked out the window, and took in the beautiful sights and scenery.

Even the cafe was so interesting! I observed that they had their door wide open all the time. This open door felt like an inviting and a welcoming gesture, creating a sense of inner safety and trust. This open door reminded me of our somatic practices, where openness can encourage exploration and curiosity. It serves as a reminder that we’re welcome and accepted as we are. Openness reminds us that we can take up space. Openness can feel so nourishing for the mind, body, and soul.

Once we felt warmer, we continued to explore this picturesque town. We stumbled upon an old movie theater, which brought a smile to my face as it reminded me of the theater I used to go to as a child. Fond memories came rushing back into my consciousness–it was such an unexpected gift!

Feeling hungry, we walked into the first restaurant we saw. I was really craving fish and potatoes, and to my immense surprise, they had rainbow trout, fingerling potatoes, and seasonal veggies on their menu. The dish was absolutely delicious!

With my tummy now feeling quite happy, we ventured back outside.

To our surprise, we noticed that the clouds were parting, and we could actually see the sun!

It was still a bit chilly, but it was definitely warming up.

So, what did we do? We decided to go back to the beach.

By the time we reached the beach, the sky was almost clear, with hardly any clouds in sight.

I sat in my chair for at least an hour, completely silent, listening to the waves, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, and taking in all the vibrant colors.

It was like a completely different day–I couldn’t believe it!

It no longer felt like a scene from a horror film; instead, it felt like I was at a resort in a tropical destination.

This whole day reminded me of a quote from Rick Rubin’s book The Creative Act: “Taking a wrong turn allows you to see landscapes you wouldn’t otherwise have seen.”

Things didn’t go as planned. We had hoped to spend the entire day at the beach, reading, swimming, and relaxing. Instead, we ended up exploring a town we’d never been to, discovering new landscapes and places that we might have missed if it hadn’t been for the overcast skies and chilly temperatures.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to see the same place (the beach) through a different lens.

This experience will stay with me, reminding me that even if I have a plan, things may not unfold as expected. There may be twists and turns along the way, reminding me that life is an adventure. I can choose to ride the wave or resist the flow. I can choose which path to take. I’m grateful that I chose to ride the wave, as it led to experiences I would have missed if I had decided to freeze all day at the beach or if we decided to go home.


Let’s chat about today’s free class - Somatic Yoga to Start Your Day!

This class offers a gentle wake-up call for your entire body, encouraging movement through the joints, easing stiffness and movement restrictions. This practice encourages you to connect with your breath and to find what feels good in your body.

You can return to this practice daily, as long as it feels nourishing in your body.

Start your day with me by clicking on the image or the button below. I’ll see you there!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter!

I hope that you find these letters useful in your journey.

Remember, just like with somatic practices, take what resonates with you and leave what doesn’t. Or there is an opportunity to get curious about what I share in these letters.

What I share are life lessons that feel impactful to me. I can appreciate that they may not feel impactful or useful to you. Each of us have different lived experiences. Therefore, each message will land differently. 🙂

I hope that you have an awesome day!

Take care,


P.S. Here's two pictures of the beach. One was taken in the morning, and the other one was taken in the afternoon. Both pictures are beautiful in their own way.

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Yoga with Rachel

​Hey there! I'm Rachel - a certified yoga instructor, fascial fitness trainer and wellness enthusiast. I share my love of movement and wellness through my growing YouTube channel, Yoga with Rachel.

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